Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why Did I Get the Postcard Notice?

    The Court directed that the Postcard Notice be mailed to you because you or someone in your family or an investment account for which you serve as a custodian may have purchased or otherwise acquired Romeo Securities during the Settlement Class Period. The Court also directed that the Notice be posted online on this website here and mailed to you upon request to the Claims Administrator. The Court has directed us to disseminate these notices because, as a potential Settlement Class Member, you have a right to know about your options before the Court rules on the proposed Settlement. Additionally, you have the right to understand how this class action lawsuit may generally affect your legal rights. If the Court approves the Settlement, and the Plan of Allocation (or some other plan of allocation), the claims administrator selected by Lead Plaintiffs and approved by the Court will make payments pursuant to the Settlement after any objections and appeals are resolved.

    The purpose of the Notice is to inform you of the existence of this case, that it is a class action, how you might be affected, and how to exclude yourself from the Settlement Class if you wish to do so.

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  2. What is the Case About?

    This litigation stems from Lead Plaintiffs’ allegations that Defendants violated sections 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. § 78j(b), and Rule 10b-5, § 20(a) of the Exchange Act and § 14(a) of the Exchange Act.

    Beginning on April 16, 2021, two class action complaints were filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (the “Court”), captioned Nichols v. Romeo Power, Inc. et al., Case No. 1:21-cv-03362, and Toner v. Romeo Power, Inc., et al., Case No. 1:21-cv-04058. By Order dated July 15, 2021, the Court ordered that the Nichols and Toner cases be consolidated and recaptioned as In re Romeo Power Inc. Securities Litigation, Case No. 1:21-cv-03362; appointed Mike Castleberg as Lead Plaintiff for the consolidated action; and approved Lead Plaintiff’s selection of Glancy Prongay & Murray LLP as Lead Counsel for the class.

    On January 30, 2024, the Court preliminarily approved the Settlement, authorized the Postcard Notice to be mailed to potential Settlement Class Members and the Notice to be posted online and mailed to potential Settlement Class Members upon request, and scheduled the Settlement Hearing to consider whether to grant final approval to the Settlement.

    Refer to the Notice for more information.

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  3. How Do I Know if I Am Affected by the Settlement? Who is Included in the Settlement Class?

    If you are a member of the Settlement Class, you are subject to the Settlement, unless you timely request to be excluded. The Settlement Class consists of:

    all persons and entities that purchased or otherwise acquired Romeo Securities during the period October 5, 2020, through August 16, 2021, both dates inclusive (the “Settlement Class Period”), and were damaged thereby.

    Excluded from the Settlement Class are: (a) persons who suffered no compensable losses; and (b)(i) the Individual Defendants; (ii) present and former parents, subsidiaries, assigns, successors, predecessors and affiliates of Romeo or RMG, including Nikola Corporation; (iii) any person who served as a partner, control person, officer and/or director of Romeo or RMG or Nikola Corporation, and any person or entity with the authority to designate a director of Romeo or RMG or Nikola Corporation, during the Settlement Class Period and their Immediate Family members; (iv) any entity in which the Individual Defendants, Romeo or RMG have or had a controlling interest; (v) any trust of which an Individual Defendant is the settler or which is for the benefit of an Individual Defendant and/or member(s) of their Immediate Families; and (vi) the legal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns of any person or entity excluded under provisions (i) through (v) hereof. Also excluded from the Settlement Class are any persons and entities who or which submit a request for exclusion from the Settlement Class that is accepted by the Court. See “What If I Do Not Want To Be A Member Of The Settlement Class? How Do I Exclude Myself,” in FAQ 10.


    If you are a Settlement Class Member and you wish to be eligible to participate in the distribution of proceeds from the Settlement, you are required to submit the Claim Form that is available for download here, or which can be mailed to you upon request to the Claims Administrator, and the required supporting documentation as set forth therein, online or postmarked no later than May 29, 2024.

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  4. What are Lead Plaintiffs’ Reasons for the Settlement?

    Plaintiffs and Lead Counsel recognize the expense and length of continued proceedings necessary to pursue their claims against the Individual Defendants through trial and appeals, as well as the very substantial risks they would face in establishing liability and damages. Moreover, Plaintiffs and Lead Counsel recognized that the Individual Defendants had numerous avenues of attack that could preclude recovery. For example, they would assert that the challenged statements were not materially false and misleading, and that even if they were, the statements were not made with the requisite state of mind to support the securities fraud claim alleged. Even if the hurdles to establishing liability were overcome, the amount of damages that could be attributed to the allegedly false statements would be hotly contested. Plaintiffs would have to prevail at several stages – motions for summary judgment, trial, and if they prevailed on those, on the appeals that were likely to follow. Thus, there were very significant risks attendant to the continued prosecution of the Action.

    In light of these risks, the amount of the Settlement and the immediacy of recovery to the Settlement Class, Plaintiffs and Lead Counsel believe that the proposed Settlement is fair, reasonable and adequate, and in the best interests of the Settlement Class. Plaintiffs and Lead Counsel believe that the Settlement provides a substantial benefit to the Settlement Class, namely $14,900,000 in cash (less the various deductions described in the Notice), as compared to the risk that the claims in the Action would produce a smaller or no recovery after summary judgment, trial and appeals, possibly years in the future.

    The Individual Defendants have denied the claims asserted against them in the Action and deny having engaged in any wrongdoing or violation of law of any kind whatsoever. The Individual Defendants have agreed to the Settlement solely to eliminate the burden and expense of continued litigation. Accordingly, the Settlement may not be construed as an admission of any wrongdoing by Individual Defendants.

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  5. What Might Happen If There Were No Settlement?

    If there were no Settlement and Plaintiffs failed to establish any essential legal or factual element of their claims against the Individual Defendants, neither Plaintiffs nor the other members of the Settlement Class would recover anything from the Individual Defendants. Also, if the Individual Defendants were successful in proving any of their defenses, either at summary judgment, at trial or on appeal, the Settlement Class could recover substantially less than the amount provided in the Settlement, or nothing at all.

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  6. How are Settlement Class Members Affected by the Action and the Settlement?

    As a Settlement Class Member, you are represented by Plaintiffs and Lead Counsel, unless you enter an appearance through counsel of your own choice at your own expense. You are not required to retain your own counsel, but if you choose to do so, such counsel must file a notice of appearance on your behalf and must serve copies of his or her appearance on the attorneys listed in the section entitled, “When And Where Will the Court Decide Whether to Approve the Settlement?,” in FAQ 11.

    If you are a Settlement Class Member and do not wish to remain a Settlement Class Member, you may exclude yourself from the Settlement Class by following the instructions in the section entitled, “What If I Do Not Want To Be A Member Of The Settlement Class? How Do I Exclude Myself?,” in FAQ 10.

    If you are a Settlement Class Member and you wish to object to the Settlement, the Plan of Allocation, or Lead Counsel’s application for attorneys’ fees and reimbursement of Litigation Expenses, and if you do not exclude yourself from the Settlement Class, you may present your objections by following the instructions in the section entitled, “When And Where Will the Court Decide Whether to Approve the Settlement?,” in FAQ 11.

    If you are a Settlement Class Member and you do not exclude yourself from the Settlement Class, you will be bound by any orders issued by the Court. If the Settlement is approved, the Court will enter a judgment (the “Judgment”). The Judgment will dismiss with prejudice the claims against the Individual Defendants and will provide that, upon the Effective Date of the Settlement, Plaintiffs and each of the other Settlement Class Members, on behalf of themselves, and on behalf of any other person or entity legally entitled to bring Released Plaintiffs’ Claims on behalf of the respective Settlement Class Member in such capacity only, shall be deemed to have, and by operation of law and of the judgment shall have, fully, finally and forever compromised, settled, released, resolved, relinquished, waived and discharged each and every Released Plaintiffs’ Claim (as defined in ¶ 38 in the Notice) against the Individual Defendants and the other Released Defendant Parties (as defined in ¶ 39 in the Notice), and shall forever be barred and enjoined from prosecuting any or all of the Released Plaintiffs’ Claims against any of the Released Defendant Parties.

    Refer to the Notice for more information.

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  7. How Do I Participate in the Settlement? What Do I Need to Do?

    To be eligible for a payment from the proceeds of the Settlement, you must be a member of the Settlement Class and you must timely complete and return the Claim Form with adequate supporting documentation submitted online or postmarked no later than May 29, 2024. A Claim Form is available on this website here, or you may request that a Claim Form be mailed to you by calling the Claims Administrator toll-free at 877-915-1127. Please retain all records of your ownership of and transactions in Romeo Securities, as they may be needed to document your Claim. If you request exclusion from the Settlement Class or do not submit a timely and valid Claim Form, you will not be eligible to share in the Net Settlement Fund.

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  8. When will I receive payment?

    The Initial Distribution occurred on December 27, 2024.

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  9. What Payment are the Attorneys for the Settlement Class Seeking? How Will the Lawyers be Paid?

    Plaintiffs’ Counsel have not received any payment for their services in pursuing claims against the Defendants on behalf of the Settlement Class, nor have Plaintiffs’ Counsel been reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses. Before final approval of the Settlement, Lead Counsel will apply to the Court for an award of attorneys’ fees for all Plaintiffs’ Counsel in an amount not to exceed 33 1/3% of the Settlement Fund. At the same time, Lead Counsel also intends to apply for reimbursement of Litigation Expenses in an amount not to exceed $566,000, which may include an application for reimbursement of the reasonable costs and expenses incurred by Plaintiffs directly related to their representation of the Settlement Class in an aggregate amount not to exceed $80,000. The Court will determine the amount of any award of attorneys’ fees or reimbursement of Litigation Expenses. Such sums as may be approved by the Court will be paid from the Settlement Fund. Settlement Class Members are not personally liable for any such fees or expenses.

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  10. What if I Do Not Want to be a Member of the Settlement Class? How Do I Exclude Myself?

    Each Settlement Class Member will be bound by all determinations and judgments in this lawsuit, whether favorable or unfavorable, unless such person or entity mails or delivers a written Request for Exclusion from the Settlement Class, addressed to In re Romeo Power Inc. Securities Litigation, EXCLUSIONS, c/o Epiq Systems, Inc., PO Box 3719, Portland, OR 97208-3719. The exclusion request must be received no later than June 19, 2024. You will not be able to exclude yourself from the Settlement Class after that date. Each Request for Exclusion must:

    Update 6/11/24: A request for exclusion must be received no later than July 3, 2024.

    1. state the name, address and telephone number of the person or entity requesting exclusion, and in the case of entities the name and telephone number of the appropriate contact person;
    2. state that such person or entity “requests exclusion from the Settlement Class in In re Romeo Power Inc. Securities Litigation, Case No. 1:21-cv-03362”; and
    3. be signed by the person or entity requesting exclusion or an authorized representative.

    In addition, a request for exclusion must state the number and type of Romeo Securities that the person or entity requesting exclusion purchased, acquired, and sold during the Settlement Class Period, as well as the dates and prices of each such purchase, acquisition and sale. A Request for Exclusion shall not be valid and effective unless it provides all the information called for in this paragraph and is received within the time stated above, or is otherwise accepted by the Court.

    If you do not want to be part of the Settlement Class, you must follow these instructions for exclusion even if you have pending, or later file, another lawsuit, arbitration, or other proceeding relating to any Released Plaintiffs’ Claim against any of the Released Defendant Parties.

    If you ask to be excluded from the Settlement Class, you will not be eligible to receive any payment out of the Net Settlement Fund.

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  11. When and Where Will the Court Decide Whether to Approve the Settlement? Do I Have to Come to the Hearing? May I Speak at the Hearing if I Don’t Like the Settlement?

    Settlement Class Members do not need to attend the Settlement Hearing. The Court will consider any submission made in accordance with the provisions below even if a Settlement Class Member does not attend the hearing. You can participate in the Settlement without attending the Settlement Hearing.

    The Settlement Hearing will be held on July 10, 2024, at 3:45 p.m., at the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, United States Courthouse, Courtroom 1106, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007. The call-in number is 888-363-4749, and the access code is 558-3333. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court-issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. The Court reserves the right to approve the Settlement, the Plan of Allocation, Lead Counsel’s motion for an award of attorneys’ fees and reimbursement of Litigation Expenses and/or any other matter related to the Settlement at or after the Settlement Hearing without further notice to the members of the Settlement Class.

    Update 6/11/24: The Final Settlement Approval Hearing has been reset for July 24, 2024, at 3:45 p.m.

    Any Settlement Class Member who or which does not request exclusion may object to the Settlement, the proposed Plan of Allocation or Lead Counsel’s motion for an award of attorneys’ fees and reimbursement of Litigation Expenses. Objections must be in writing. You must file any written objection, together with copies of all other papers and briefs supporting the objection, with the Clerk’s Office at the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York at the address set forth below on or before July 3, 2024. You must also serve the papers on Lead Counsel and on Individual Defendants’ Counsel at the addresses set forth below so that the papers are received on or before June 19, 2024.

    Update 6/11/24: Written objections must now be filed with the Court, and copies of any such objections served to Lead Counsel and Individual Defendants’ Counsel at the addresses set forth in the Notice, such that they are filed and received no later than July 3, 2024.

    Clerk’s Office Lead Counsel Individual Defendants’ Counsel
    United States District Court
    Southern District of New York
    Clerk of the Court
    United States Courthouse
    500 Pearl Street
    New York, NY 10007
    Glancy Prongay & Murray LLP
    Kara Wolke, Esq.
    1925 Century Park East
    Suite 2100
    Los Angeles, CA 90067
    Latham & Watkins LLP
    Jason Hegt, Esq.
    1271 Avenue of the Americas
    New York, NY 10020

    Any objection must:

    1. state the name, address and telephone number of the person or entity objecting and must be signed by the objector;
    2. contain a statement of the Settlement Class Member’s objection or objections, and the specific reasons for each objection, including any legal and evidentiary support the Settlement Class Member wishes to bring to the Court’s attention; and
    3. include documents sufficient to prove membership in the Settlement Class, including the number and type of Romeo Securities that the objecting Settlement Class Member purchased, acquired and sold during the Settlement Class Period (i.e., between October 5, 2020 and August 16, 2021, inclusive), as well as the dates and prices of each such purchase, acquisition and sale.

    You may not object to the Settlement, the Plan of Allocation or Lead Counsel’s motion for attorneys’ fees and reimbursement of Litigation Expenses if you exclude yourself from the Settlement Class or if you are not a member of the Settlement Class.

    You may file a written objection without having to appear at the Settlement Hearing. You may not, however, appear at the Settlement Hearing to present your objection unless you first file and serve a written objection in accordance with the procedures described above, unless the Court orders otherwise.

    If you wish to be heard orally at the hearing in opposition to the approval of the Settlement, the Plan of Allocation or Lead Counsel’s motion for an award of attorneys’ fees and reimbursement of Litigation Expenses, and if you timely file and serve a written objection as described above, you must also file a notice of appearance with the Clerk’s Office and serve it on Lead Counsel and Individual Defendants’ Counsel at the addresses set forth above so that it is received on or before June 19, 2024. Persons who intend to object and desire to present evidence at the Settlement Hearing must include in their written objection or notice of appearance the identity of any witnesses they may call to testify and exhibits they intend to introduce into evidence at the hearing. Such persons may be heard orally at the discretion of the Court.

    Update 6/11/24: Written objections must now be filed with the Court, and copies of any such objections served to Lead Counsel and Individual Defendants’ Counsel at the addresses set forth in the Notice, such that they are filed and received no later than July 3, 2024.

    You are not required to hire an attorney to represent you in making written objections or in appearing at the Settlement Hearing. However, if you decide to hire an attorney, it will be at your own expense, and that attorney must file a notice of appearance with the Court and serve it on Lead Counsel and Individual Defendants’ Counsel at the addresses set forth above so that the notice is received on or June 19, 2024.

    Update 6/11/24: Written objections must now be filed with the Court, and copies of any such objections served to Lead Counsel and Individual Defendants’ Counsel at the addresses set forth in the Notice, such that they are filed and received no later than July 3, 2024.

    The Settlement Hearing may be adjourned by the Court without further written notice to the Settlement Class. If you intend to attend the Settlement Hearing, you should confirm the date and time with Lead Counsel.

    Unless the Court orders otherwise, any Settlement Class Member who does not object in the manner described above will be deemed to have waived any objection and shall be forever foreclosed from making any objection to the proposed Settlement, the proposed Plan of Allocation or Lead Counsel’s motion for an award of attorneys’ fees and reimbursement of Litigation Expenses. Settlement Class Members do not need to appear at the Settlement Hearing or take any other action to indicate their approval.

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  12. What if I Bought Shares on Someone Else’s Behalf?

    If you purchased or otherwise acquired Romeo Securities between October 5, 2020 and August 16, 2021, inclusive, for the beneficial interest of persons or organizations other than yourself, you must either: (a) within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the Claims Administrator’s notice of the Settlement, request from the Claims Administrator sufficient copies of the Postcard Notice to forward to all such beneficial owners and within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of those Postcard Notices forward them to all such beneficial owners; or (b) within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the Claims Administrator’s notice of the Settlement, provide a list of the names, mailing addresses and email addresses (to the extent available) of all such beneficial owners to In re Romeo Power Inc. Securities Litigation, c/o Epiq Systems, Inc., PO Box 3719, Portland, OR 97208-3719. If you choose the second option, the Claims Administrator will mail a copy of the Postcard Notice, and/or email a link to the Notice and Claim Form, to the beneficial owners. Nominees that choose the first option shall also send a statement to the Claims Administrator confirming that the mailing was made as directed.

    Upon full and timely compliance with these directions, nominees may seek reimbursement of their reasonable expenses actually incurred in an amount not to exceed $0.03 plus postage at the current pre-sort rate used by the Claims Administrator per Postcard Notice mailed; or $0.03 per name, address, and email address (to the extent available) provided to the Claims Administrator, by providing the Claims Administrator with proper documentation supporting the expenses for which reimbursement is sought. Any dispute concerning the reasonableness of reimbursement costs shall be resolved by the Court. Copies of the Postcard Notice may be obtained by calling the Claims Administrator toll-free at 877-915-1127. YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO PRINT THE POSTCARD NOTICE YOURSELF. POSTCARD NOTICES MAY ONLY BE PRINTED BY THE COURT-APPOINTED CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR.

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  13. Can I See the Court File? Whom Should I Contact if I Have Questions?

    The Notice contains only a summary of the terms of the proposed Settlement. For more detailed information about the matters involved in this Action, you are referred to the papers on file in the Action, including the Stipulation, which may be inspected during regular office hours at the Office of the Clerk, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, United States Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007. Additionally, copies of the Stipulation and any related orders entered by the Court will be posted on the Important Documents page of this website.

    All inquiries concerning the Notice and the Claim Form should be directed to the Claims Administrator or Lead Counsel at:

    Claims Administrator Lead Counsel
    In re Romeo Power Inc. Securities Litigation
    c/o Epiq Systems, Inc.
    P.O. Box 3719
    Portland, OR 97208-3719
    Kara M. Wolke, Esq.
    1925 Century Park East
    Suite 2100
    Los Angeles, CA 90067
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  14. What if I Have a Change in Address?

    To assist the Court and the parties in maintaining accurate lists of Settlement Class Members, you are requested to mail notice of any changes in your address to the following address:

    In re Romeo Power Inc. Securities Litigation
    c/o Epiq Systems, Inc.
    P.O. Box 3719
    Portland, OR 97208-3719

    If the Postcard Notice was forwarded to you by the postal service, or if it was otherwise sent to you at an address that is not current, you should immediately contact the Claims Administrator, Epiq Class Action & Claims Solutions, Inc., at the address above or at 1-877-915-1127 (Toll-Free) and provide them with your correct address. If the Claims Administrator does not have your correct address, you may not receive notice of important developments in this Action.

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  15. Where Can I Find Additional Information?

    This website gives only a summary of the lawsuit and the claims asserted by Lead Plaintiffs. For more detailed information regarding the Action, you may review the court documents on the Documents page of this website.

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